Sakhi - Soul Friend
I went to Dogtown with my friends yesterday because I was afraid to cancel the personal day I had requested a week ago. It seemed unkind to the substitute teacher who may have been counting on that paycheck. It wasn't her fault I had crashed since then and did not feel like celebrating anything. Also, I could not be alone. I am not a big drinker on the best of days and usually end up throwing unreciprocated shade that no one else appreciates. Me: Why did you just tell our Uber driver that you loved her? You do not love her. Natalie: I do love her. She drives a Tesla. Me: That does not mean you love her. Cara: WE RODE IN A TESLA, BITCHES!!! Me: You're pretty far gone, aren't you? Use "iterations" in a sentence. Cara: The other day, there were so many iterations in my sentence. Me: That is a terrible sentence. You are an English teacher. Most of the time, I wish I could have a video camera so I could record everything and memorize the best lines to recount to the...