
Showing posts from March, 2024

Tulā - Balance

One thing I really resent about yoga is that it highlights all the ways I lack balance. There are the really obvious ways, like the fact that I can't stand on one foot without falling over (looking at you, Natarajasana). There are the subtler ways, like how the left side of my body flexes so much more deeply than the right, making all correctly-aligned poses feel completely lopsided. And there are the stupid ways, such as my inability to do anything in moderation. This last one is what I'm most concerned with right now. I decided a year or two ago that if I were to ever pursue advanced yoga training, it would be a "go big or go home" situation. Mostly I decided this because it had not occured to me when I was 18 that I could apply to Oxford for university and go big or go home that way. It would have been a magnificent opportunity, and yet I could not think bigger than Chicago, USA.  I would not make the same mistake twice! So if I were going to enroll in a 300-hr pro