Reverdie - Regreening

The word reverdie refers to a type of poetry common in the Middle Ages. The word literally means "re-greening." This literature was a celebration of the return of spring. It was important because 500 years ago, the life-expectancy was a good 4 decades lower than it is now. There was a greater chance that you wouldn't survive the harsh and unforgiving winter than that you would. So, those who were still alive when the narcissus and crocus started blooming had enormous cause to celebrate. They had survived another bout of the Dark, and Life was coming back into the world! Reverdie. It very much feels as if I am in the midst of a dark and painful winter. Albert Camus wrote, "It was there in the depths of winter that I discovered there was, within me, an invincible summer." I have discovered no such thing. But what better way to confront Life's challenges than by giving onself even more challenges? It's been years since I moved to New York for the summer ...