
Once upon a time there lived a woman for whom irony was more than just a literary term. It was a way of life.

This woman turned down a teaching job making $80,000 a year because the offer was for 7th grade and she very much wanted to teach high school. So she took a job teaching high school for far less, then fell victim to budget cuts. She then had to beg every principal she could find to give her a job teaching anything. 

When she finally found a job, it was for — you guessed it — 7th grade. Only for far, far less money. 

That, my friends, is irony.

Once upon a time, this woman was ghosted by not one, not two, but three men in a row. The world of online matching had made it impossible to find anyone who would actually show up for a date, let alone follow through when they said they'd love to see you again.

But eventually, one dude did show up! He was there when and where he said he would be, and they drank some beers and discussed Life. It turned out that they had much in common.

Only... it turned out they also had too much in common. He ended up being her boss's boss's boss's boss. So they could not actually go out again. 

What are the odds?

Once upon a time, in response to all of this, the woman got a text message from her smartest-ass former student:

SO. At least, in the absence of a partner or even anyone to date, she now had the grown-up friendship of her most annoying student. Marriage and old age had not dimmed the annoying-ness at all.

So that's something. Maybe they'll visit a National Park together this summer. 

After all, companionship comes in different forms.


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