Anyāya - Injustice

The world has been unbelievably cruel lately. Nothing makes sense.

Birdie and all her children were killed earlier this week. That was horrific enough. She was such an amazing, incredible person. 

And now investigators have determined that my friend killed herself and her 4 children in a murder-suicide... and that's why none of them got out of that house fire. Birdie was a good person. Now the story will be that she murdered her children. That's not it. She was completely trapped by a system she couldn't escape and men who were determined to destroy her.

What do you do with this much evil and horror? How do you bear up under it? I don't know. I'm not strong enough.

I was thinking recently about how much I hate vulnerability. It hurts when you take a new job and fail at it, or speak honestly and lose someone's friendship, or open your heart a bit and get rejected.

Those things are painful, particularly when they happen all at once. But what do you do in a world where things are truly EVIL?

I couldn’t fathom being “on” for a bunch of 13-year-olds today. I could barely move from my bed. So I dragged myself to Birdie’s house instead.

I sat outside of it and wrote her a letter. So she knows how amazing she was, how wonderful and strong and perfect, right up until the end.

So she knows that we saw her, beating against the current and constantly, constantly being set back.

I wish I had something wise to say, but I don't. It's hard to bear up under the weight of it all.


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